Food & beverage ordering service in the Spurs App from anywhere within the AT&T Center, available for both express pickup and premium in-seat delivery.
Digital Product
Mobile Ordering
Project Credits
Product Design
Matt Schad
Kevin Yealy
Vendor Selection & Filtering
- Vendors display a featured image and are sorted by arena section
- Seating location is editable, and displays closest restaurants according to where you are
- Filter by item category or search for a specific item
- Vendor branding with primary image
- Waistband navigation that allows quick browsing to categy of choice
- Differentiated colors for add-on selections and confirmation
- Primary and secondary button consistency
- Integration with Spurs Pay as a checkout method
- Place Order action is within the tray as opposed to a pop-up to keep consistent UI
Orders & Profile
- Active orders feature a countdown until ready for pickup
- Active & previous order menus collapsible
- Simplified Profile section for quick access to main settings